룩셈부르크 스타트업 육성 프로그램 ‘핏포스타트’ 참가 기업 모집
유럽 ICT 허브 룩셈부르크의 정부 산하 혁신 기관 룩스이노베이션(Luxinnovation)이 혁신적인 ICT 스타트업을 발굴•지원하기 위해 핏포스타트(FIT4START) 프로그램을 운영하고 신청 기업을 모집한다.
‘핏포스타트’ 프로그램은 유럽 진출을 원하는 ICT 스타트업 기업들에게 성공적인 유럽 비즈니스 기회를 제공하기 위한 스타트업 발굴∙육성 프로그램(인큐베이션 프로그램)이다. 심사를 거쳐 선발된 15개 기업들에게는 최대 50,000(약 6천 5백만원 상당)유로의 지원금과 4개월간의 코칭, 전용 업무 공간 등의 혜택을 제공한다. 특별히 2018년 올해는 ICT와 헬스 관련 기업들을 집중 모집한다.
지원 대상은 프로젝트 사업화에 필요한 아이디어를 보유한 최소 2인 이상인 ICT, 헬스 테크 스타트업이라면 누구나 신청 가능하다.
참가 신청은 8월 27일까지 핏포스타트 홈페이지(http://register.fit4start.lu/)에서 가능하며, 관련 문의는 주한 룩셈부르크 대표부로 할 수 있다.
ICT and health
Launching a start-up and determined to succeed? Luxembourg’s acceleration programme Fit 4 Start offers you intensive coaching, attractive pre-seed funding and access to key networks. The next edition will accept 10 start-ups in the field of ICT and another 5 specialising in health technologies. Apply to the programme from 9 July until 27 August (12:00 CET).
Managed by Luxinnovation in collaboration with the Luxembourg Ministry of the Economy, Fit 4 Start helps innovative start-ups get kick-started in Luxembourg. The programme targets entrepreneurs with innovative ideas and a strong drive to be successful and aims to support them in turning their ideas into ventures with a high growth potential.
Health tech track
Fit 4 Start has from its beginning been open to ICT start-ups and will accept 10 companies in this field for its next edition. With this new edition, the range of companies will also be extended with another 5 places available for start-ups active in health technologies. They will be supported by coaches with specialist knowledge in their field.
Coaching and funding
Fit 4 Start offers:
16 weeks of expert coaching in Lean Start-Up, a structured methodology for rapid product and service development, and the Agile methodology which calls for high flexibility and the ability to pursue and realise well-defined short-term objectives;
free access to co-working space in a business incubator; and
a grant of €50,000, to be matched by €10,000 of equity. An additional €100,000 is offered by the Ministry of the Economy to start-ups that have both successfully graduated from Fit 4 Start and managed to raise at least €50,000 of private equity after the end of the programme.
In order to be eligible, candidates should:
have a project with an innovative slant;
have incorporated their company in Luxembourg, preferably less than 12 months before the start of the programme. The incorporation of the company is, however, not a prerequisite at the application stage; be a team of at least 2 people, of whom at least one will work full time on the project during their participation in Fit 4 Start.
Call for applications
Interested entrepreneurs are invited to submit their applications to Fit 4 Start until 27 August. The most promising applicants will be invited to pitch their ideas to an expert jury that will make the final selection of participants.