캐나다 신용평가사 도미니언본드레이팅서비스, 룩셈부르크 국가신용등급 ‘AAA’ 확인
캐나다 신용평가사인 도미니언본드레이팅서비스(Dominion Bond Rating Service)는 룩셈부르크의 국가 신용등급을 최고 등급인 ‘AAA’로 확인했다. 이번 평가에서 도미니언본드레이팅서비스는 룩셈부르크의 긍정적인 경제 전망에 주목했다. 룩셈부르크의 2017년 실질 GDP 성장률은 3.4%로 유로 평균치보다 높으며, 2018년에는 GDP 성장률이 4%를 넘어설 것으로 전망된다.
On 9th March 2018, the DBRS rating agency confirmed the retention of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg’s “AAA” rating, with a stable outlook.
In its analysis, the agency highlights Luxembourg’s positive economic outlook. With a growth of 3.4%, the real GDP growth exceeded the average of the euro area and it is forecast to reach over 4% in 2018. Public finances remain sound, despite the tax reform and the high level of investments maintained in the State budget for the 2018 financial year. The agency confirms the low level of public indebtedness of 22.9% for 2017, in other words well below the governmental objective of 30%.
A privileged destination for investments
DBRS also highlights that Luxembourg remains a privileged destination for investments. Luxembourg’s financial centre, which can rely on a highly qualified labour force, a competitive tax and regulatory framework as well as solid institutions, contributes to the Grand Duchy’s attractiveness and makes it an ideal domicile for multinational. The agency also considers that Luxembourg is in a good position to take advantage of the relocation of financial establishments to its financial centre within the framework of Brexit.
The agency also notes the potential risks related to external impacts at financial market level and the development of the international tax framework. However, Luxembourg’s strong economic fundamentals and the efforts made by the Government to diversify the economy will help relieve these possible pressures. Overall, DBRS regards risks relating to financial stability as limited.
As the Minister of Finance Pierre Gramegna put it: “The fact that the Grand Duchy retained the highest rating confirms, once again, that this Government’s policy since it first took office is bearing fruit. The government has rebalanced public finances sustainably, while undertaking major reforms and maintaining a high level of investments.”
(Source: press release of the Ministry of Finance)