룩셈부르크, 유럽 3대 금융 센터
룩셈부르크의 금융 센터가 유럽에서 주도적인 역할을 하고 있는 것으로 평가됐다. 룩셈부르크는 최근 발표된 국제금융센터지수(Global Financial Centres Index 24), 국제금융허브화지수(international financial centres index of New Financial), 그리고 국제녹색금융지수(Global Green Finance Index) 평가에서 룩셈부르크는 모두 높은 순위를 차지했다.
Luxembourg’s renowned financial centre continues to play a leading role in Europe. Three recently published reports – the Global Financial Centres Index 24, the New Financial international financial centres index and the Global Green Finance Index (GGFI) – all place Luxembourg on the podium.
Published bi-annually by private think tank Z/Yen Group, the Global Financial Centres Index 24 provides evaluations of future competitiveness and rankings for 100 major financial centres around the world. The report ranks Luxembourg as the third most important financial centre in the EU, after London and Frankfurt.
The international financial centres index of New Financial measures the value of domestic and international banking and finance activity across nearly 30 metrics in around 50 countries. The study ranks London as the dominant European financial centre, with Luxembourg on second place.
The Global Green Financial Index seeks to encourage financial centres to become greener and develop financial services in a way that enables society to live within planetary boundaries. Luxembourg figures among the EU’s top financial centres in terms of the depth of green finance.
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