룩셈부르크, 경제적 세계화 부문 전세계 4위

스위스경제연구소(Swiss Economic Institute, KOF)에서 발표한 2019년 KOF 세계화 지수(KOF Globalisation Index 2019)에서 룩셈부르크가 17위를 기록했다. 룩셈부르크는 경제적 세계화 부문에서 전세계 4위에 올랐다.

The country also ranks high in social globalisation in the index of globalisation recently published by ETH Zürich.

According to the 2019 edition of ETH Zürich’s KOF Globalisation Index, Switzerland is the most globalised country in the world, followed by the Netherlands and Belgium. Luxembourg is on 17th place globally in the ranking that takes into account economic, social and political globalisation.

However, the country performs strongly in terms of economic globalisation and ranks 4th in the world. This subdivision takes into account both trade and financial globalisation

Luxembourg also ranks 1st in the world in terms of social globalisation. This sub-domain comprises three segments: inter-personal contacts, flows of information and cultural proximity.
