룩셈부르크, EU에서 4번째로 가장 높은 교육 수준 보유

최근 유로스타트 (Eurostat)에 의해 발표 된 수치에 룩셈부르크가 고등 교육을 이수한 인구 비율에서 선두를 차지했다. 룩셈부르크 30~34세 인구의 절반 이상이 고등 교육을 졸업했으며, 이는 유럽 연합 내에서 5위 안에 드는 순위이다.

EU countries with the highest levels of higher education 2018Recent figures published by Eurostat places Luxembourg in a top position when it comes to the proportion of the population that has attained tertiary education. 56.2% of the Luxembourg population aged 30 to 34 years had graduated from higher education in 2018. This is the fourth highest figure in the European Union, well above the EU average of 40.7%.The country follows closely behind the EU leaders Lithuania, Cyprus and Ireland, and is before Sweden, the Netherlands and Denmark.

Higher education: for prosperity and employment

“Continuing education after the basic level is important because people with higher qualifications are more likely to be employed and less likely to face poverty in a knowledge-based economy. Therefore, investing efficiently in education and training systems that deliver high-quality and up-to-date services lays the foundation for a country’s prosperity. Moreover, employment rates are generally higher for highly educated people,” the report states.

Photo: © Luxinnovation/Vincent Remy
Source: https://www.tradeandinvest.lu/news/luxembourg-has-4th-highest-education-level-in-the-eu/