유럽을 위한 관문

카고룩스 (Cargolux Airlines International)는 세계에서 5번째로 큰 화물 항공사로, 유럽에서는 현재 1위를 차지하고 있는 기업이다. 남아프리카 출신의 카고룩스 대표, 리차드 포슨 (Richard Forson) 씨는 2012년도부터 룩셈부르크에 살고 있다. 룩셈부르크의 높은 삶의 질에 만족하며 살고 있는 리차드 포슨씨로부터 룩셈부르크에서 살면서 일한 경험에 대해 자세히 들어 보았다.

Cargolux is the world’s 5th largest all-freighter airline, and ranks number 1 in Europe. Its fleet of Boeing 747s – a plane type designed as a freighter from the very beginning – services over 90 destinations. The company handles anything from ordinary cargo to shipments that require attention to detail, special treatment and expert handling.

“We are a very important player in the industry,” says Mr Forson. “This became really evident at the beginning of the COVID pandemic when Cargolux flew in essential supplies that were urgently required, not only to Luxembourg but to many other countries as well.”

Luxembourg has a very high quality of life, and I would really encourage people to come to live and work here.

The South African truly enjoys life in Luxembourg. “I enjoy specifically the winter conditions, as I don’t like the heat! Having worked in the Middle East previously, this is a much more comfortable living environment. Luxembourg has a very high quality of life, and I would really encourage people to come to live and work here.”

Photo: © Luxinnovation/Luc Deflorenne
Source: https://www.tradeandinvest.lu/news/a-gateway-for-europe/