투자자를 위한 서비스 플랫폼
해외 투자는 도전적인 시도이다. 하지만, 룩셈부르크에 사무실을 열거나 글로벌 또는 유럽 본부를 설립하는 데 관심이 있는 경우에는, 룩셈부르크 무역 및 투자 (Luxembourg Trade & Invest) 파트너가 모든 단계를 지원하고 벤처 사업을 성공시키는 데 도움이 되는 다양한 고품질 무료 서비스를 제공한다.
Get in-depth, sector-specific information
Our sector experts of our investor care platform can provide you with fast, reliable information on all aspects of doing business in and from Luxembourg as well as opportunities for your specific business sector.
Make a tailor-made on-site visit
We can organise personalised visits that, in only 2-3 days, will enable you to meet many relevant contacts – government officials, service providers and potential partners. In particular, you will appreciate the availability of authorities and their willingness to help and work together.
Kick-start your local network
We have extensive personal networks in the Luxembourg business world. We can introduce you to multinational corporations, local companies as well as to start-ups and highly specialised service providers and help you quickly become part of the local business community.
Find your Luxembourg home from home
A number of business incubators and co-working spaces welcome international companies looking for their first office in Luxembourg. We guide you towards the solutions that best suit your needs.
Set up your company in Luxembourg
In partnership with the House of Entrepreneurship, we can assist you with setting up a company in Luxembourg.
Explore funding mechanisms and incentives
Luxembourg-based companies can apply for national funding measures and participate in European funding programmes. Our experts at the investor care platform guide you to the most appropriate funding mechanisms according to your strategy and provide help with your applications.