황금 포도나무의 비밀
수세기 동안 모젤강을 따라 펼쳐진 풍경은 포도 재배로 형성되어 왔다. 심지어 로마인들도 룩셈부르크 남동부의 테루아르(terroir)를 높이 평가했다. 룩셈부르크 남동부의 테루아르에 관한 스토리는 Visit Luxembourg 최근 기사에서 확인할 수 있다.
Text by Visit Luxembourg
Life is too short to drink bad wine, said Goethe, allegedly. It’s probably a misattribution but the core of the message is sound. Life is definitely too short, especially to drink bad wine. That’s why our search for good wine leads us here, standing in the mud just above Stadtbredimus.
Our shoes are covered in clay. It looks more like a mud-patch than a vineyard. The word vineyard conjures up images of juicy grapes and green vines bathing in the sun. Of a romantic, idyllic country life. Sun-ripened nectar in beautiful glasses. Like in other realms of life, the work that goes into all that is beautiful and elegant remains unseen, it is laborious and much less romantic than you’d think.
Photo credits: Tristan Schmurr