룩셈부르크, 4G 속도 전세계 6위

휴대전화 4G 네트워크를 생각할 때는 일반적으로 빠른 인터넷 연결을 떠올리지만 실제 속도는 국가마다 다르다.

오픈시그널(OpenSignal)이 전 세계 국가별로 4G(또는 LTE, Long Term Evolution) 네트워크 현황을 평가한 “LTE 현황(The State of LTE)” 보고서에서 룩셈부르크가 전세계에서 6번째로 4G 속도가 빠른 것으로 나타났다.

싱가포르가 4G 네트워크 속도가 46.64Mbps(초당 메가비트)로 전 세계에서 가장 빠르고, 그 뒤를 한국, 노르웨이, 헝가리, 네덜란드가 뒤쫓았다.

룩셈부르크는 이웃 국가들을 제치고 36.56Mbps로 6위라는 영예를 안았다. 벨기에는 룩셈부르크보다 6위 처져 있었고 프랑스와 독일은 훨씬 아래 순위를 기록했다. 보고서에 따르면, 룩셈부르크의 전국 보급률은 79.55%을 기록했으며, 한국은 96.69%로 1위에 올랐다. 이웃 국가와 비교했을 때는 룩셈부르크가 벨기에보다 다소 나았고 프랑스와 독일은 크게 앞질렀다.

룩셈부르크의 4개 통신사는 모두 안정적인 4G 속도를 제공하지만 4G+ 네트워크를 도입한 탱고(Tango)는 50Mbps를 뛰어넘는 속도를 자랑한다.


When we think of mobile phone 4G networks, we generally think of fast internet connections, but actual speeds can vary widely from country to country. Did you know that Luxembourg has the sixth fastest 4G in the world?

The data was revealed in a report entitled “The State of LTE” released for November by OpenSignal showing the status of 4G (or LTE – Long Term Evolution) networks worldwide per country. Singapore is reported to boast the fastest 4G network in the world at 46.64Mbps (megabits per second), followed by South Korea, Norway, Hungary and Netherlands.

Luxembourg’s respectable ranking in sixth place recorded a speed of 36.56Mbps, ahead of its neighbours. Belgium scored six places below the Grand Duchy, with France and Germany much further down the list.

However, Luxembourg does not score quite as well when it comes to availability of 4G in the country with a drop to 22nd position. According to the report 79.55% of the country is covered by 4G, a big difference to number one, South Korea, with 96.69%. Again, compared to neighbouring countries, the Grand Duchy faired a bit better than Belgium, and greatly outranked France and Germany.

The OpenSignal report examined 77 countries and 50 billion measurements worldwide. The results showed that the 4G global market in general is at transition point. The focus used to be on speed, but has shifted its target to boosting accessibility to 4G signals.

The report also points out that no country has cracked the 50 Mbps speed threshold for 4G.

In Luxembourg all four networks offer stable 4G speeds, but Tango with its 4G+ network does in fact manage to surpass 50 Mbps.


