룩셈부르크, 외국인 거주자가 살기 좋은 도시 전세계 15위에 올라
최근 발표된 ‘엑스파트 인사이더 2018 (Expat Insider 2018)’ 보고서에 따르면, 룩셈부르크는 외국인 거주자가 전세계에서 15번째로 살기 좋은 나라로 평가됐다. 엑스파트 인사이더는 인터네이션스(InterNations)가 187개국에 사는 178개 국적의 외국인 18,135명을 대상으로 하여 조사한 외국인 거주자 만족도 평가로, 삶의 질(Quality of life), 정착 과정(Ease of settling in), 근무환경(Working abroad), 개인의 재정상태(Personal Finance), 가족생활(Family life)의 총 5개 부문을 기반으로 한다.
Expat Insider is one of the world’s largest and most comprehensive surveys on life abroad based on 48 evaluating everyday expat life. In total, 18,135 expats from across the globe took part in the survey. They represent 178 nationalities and are living in 187 countries or territories. The main categories include
-Quality of life
-Ease of settling in
-Working abroad
-Personal Finance
-Family life
Luxembourg ranking
In the overall ranking Luxembourg positioned itself on place 15 worldwide, leading in the subcategories in Economy and job security as well as Safety and Security. The country also scores top 3 results in ease of local registration process, opening a bank account and understanding the local healthcare system. For children’s well-being and safety, family life in general and improving income Luxembourg find itself among the top 10.