룩셈부르크 비즈니스 매거진, Happen 발간
룩스이노베이션(Luxinnovation)과 메종 모던(Maison Moderne)이 연간 비즈니스 매거진인 ‘Happen’ 두번째 호를 발간했다. 해픈은 룩셈부르크와 룩셈부르크 기업들의 기술적 우수성과 혁신적인 정신을 소개하는 비즈니스 매거진이다. 매거진 신청은 아래 링크에서 할 수 있다.
신청 링크: http://web.luxinnovation.lu/luxinnovationlu-a66zb/pages/ir1expo1eeia3qbqvrlxa.html
Luxinnovation and Maison Moderne are proud to announce the publication of the second issue of Happen
Happen is an annual business magazine that unveils the technological excellence and innovative spirit of Luxembourg and its companies to an international audience.
Designed as a practical tool, Happen aims to help foreign investors and entrepreneurs on the lookout for a business hub in Europe to realise that the Grand Duchy is not only an attractive business location, but also a wonderful place to live and work right at the heart of Europe.
“Our objective is to reveal the technological know-how that exists within Luxembourg’s ecosystem, the opportunities it offers for innovation, and thus spark the interest of international technology and business leaders and innovators,” Luxinnovation’s CEO Sasha Baillie explains.
Happen Issue #2 consists of 84 pages of in-depth interviews, articles about Luxembourg’s key economic sectors, benchmarks and much more from the world of business.
Also in this issue is a 17-page special feature on Industry 4.0 including an interview with Nicolas Buck, FEDIL’s President. “Industry 4.0 is a bit of a catch-all term, but it clearly expresses the now crucial importance of connectivity and the ability to produce much more quickly in response to significant fluctuations in demand from the market, which also requires companies to be highly responsive,” he explains.
There is focus too on the international promotion of the Luxembourg economy, which was restructured two years ago. As president of the Trade & Investment Steering Committee (TISC), the body in charge of the implementation of this promotion, Daniel Da Cruz explains in a big interview how things are now running well, supported by a strong network of representative offices abroad.
Other topics covered in this issue are the Space industry, ICT and Eco-Innovation. “As you explore the pages of this magazine, you will discover how Luxembourg capitalizes on opportunities in areas of key importance to the country’s economic development,” Sasha Baillie adds.