금융과 우주산업을 위한 거버넌스 솔루션
아일랜드 스타트업 Modus3는 기업 거버넌스 플랫폼을 개발하고 상용화하기 위한 근거지로 룩셈부르크를 선택했다. 핀테크, 레그테크, 우주기술의 혁신적인 조합으로 일하는 이 회사는 룩셈부르크에서 스타트업들에게 제공되는 실무적인 지원에 깊은 인상을 받았다.
Modus3 has developed an artificial intelligence-powered platform helping businesses to monitor their operations and their compliance with governance frameworks in real time. Founder and CEO Darren Douglas speaks about the company’s offering and use of space data to improve the environmental, social and governance scores of funds. He also highlights the support he has received, from setting up a company in Luxembourg and finding a home and community at an incubator to expanding into the Canadian market.
Mr Douglas, what does Modus3 offer?
“We are focused on three key areas: conducting, monitoring and orbiting.”
You decided to integrate space data into a platform designed for asset managers. Why?
“You can’t produce an accurate ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) score for funds without specific data.”
You want to go further in the space sector by selling your platform to space companies. This was not your original plan…
“Asset managers and space companies have the same specific monitoring and regulatory requirements.”
You are Irish, but you came in Luxembourg to grow your start-up. Why did you choose this country?
“Luxembourg is a fantastic place for any start-up.”