룩셈부르크와 NorthStar, 클린 스페이스를 위한 센터 설립 추진
2019년 12월 19일, 룩셈부르크 정부와 글로벌 환경정보 플랫폼인 NorthStar (노스스타)는 룩셈부르크에 클린 스페이스를 위한 센터를 만들겠다는 취지의 의향서에 서명했다.
Stimulating the data space sector
The centre will deliver highly accurate space traffic management and space situational awareness information services. “The establishment of this Centre in the Grand Duchy is in line with the country’s efforts to stimulate innovation and technological development in the data space sector,” commented Luxembourg’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Economy Étienne Schneider. “The project fits perfectly into our national data-based innovation strategy that aims at building a sustainable and reliable digital economy in general and the sustainable commercialization of space activities in particular.
Global challenges
The centre will be operated by NorthStar in Luxembourg. NorthStar has created a unique space and earth information platform dedicated to space-based space situational awareness and earth intelligence. The company’s ambition is to transform the way governments, industry and NGOs assess risk, enforce regulations and make decisions to foster the sustainable development of our planet and deliver a safe and secure near-space environment for the global satellite community.
“The world faces global challenges which require technology companies and governments to innovate together,” said Stewart Bain, CEO and Co-Founder of NorthStar Earth & Space. “NorthStar is dedicated to developing solutions critical to space governance, security and sustainability. As we move into the year 2020 and beyond, we are proud to have Luxembourg as our partner.”
Photo credit: Ministry of the Economy Source: https://www.tradeandinvest.lu/news/clean-space-luxembourg-and-northstar-to-create-centre-of-excellence/