크로스로드 매거진 (Crossroads Magazine): 데이터 가치 실현

룩셈부르크는 유럽에서 가장 지속 가능하고 신뢰할 수 있는 데이터 경제국 중 하나가 되기 위한 길을 가고 있다. 이번 크로스로드 매거진 (Crossroads Magazine)에서는 새로운 데이터 경제안에서 기업에게 제공되는 기회들에 대해 심층적으로 다룬다. 또한 상업 우주 산업을 위한 유럽 허브로서의 룩셈부르크의 역할에 대한 통찰력도 제공한다.

Take a highly integrated ecosystem of data, digital infrastructure, research centres, support organisations, innovation and cybersecurity expertise. Combine it with a business-oriented high performance computer and a firm ambition of setting up a national data exchange platform, and you have some of the key ingredients in Luxembourg’s rapidly developing data economy.

“These factors will make Luxembourg the place where companies can develop and test data solutions in a safe, secure environment with access to the world-class technology that our University and research institutions offer,” says Sasha Baillie, CEO of Luxinnovation, in her video introduction to the new edition of Crossroads Magazine. The Luxembourg Trade & Invest publication highlights the advantages of Luxembourg as a base for doing business in Europe.

This issue also features another sector where Luxembourg has demonstrated its pioneering outlook, namely in space. The country has become a well-recognised hub for commercial space activities in Europe. The magazine presents technologies developed by space companies and the new space resources innovation centre, ESRIC. Readers can also discover a venture capitalist’s take on the trends and opportunities for those interested in investing in space and interviews with company executives managing international business activities from Luxembourg.
