에히터나흐(Echternach) 호핑 댄스 행렬: 유네스코 무형 유산

해마다 성령강림제(기독교의 축일) 다음에 오는 첫 번째 화요일이면 룩셈부르크의 가장 유서 깊은 도시인 에히터나흐(Echternach) 시내의 중세 도심 지구에서는 발을 맞춰 가볍게 뛰어오르는 모양으로 춤을 추는 호핑 댄스 행렬이 이어진다. 이는 2010년도에 유네스코 무형유산에 등재되었고, 해마다 룩셈부르크 전역과 이웃 지역에서 평균 13,000여 명의 참가자들이 방문하는 등 날로 인기가 높아지고 있다.

Located on the border with Germany in the famous “Little Switzerland” region, Echternach is the oldest town in Luxembourg. The medieval town is home to a Roman villa originating from the 1st century, the ancient Peter and Paul parish church built on a Roman castellum, a Roman Basilica from the 11th century, ancient town walls and patrician houses on the market square dating from the 18th century.

The Echternach hopping procession

Echternach hopping processionHowever, the town’s main claim to fame is the hopping procession that takes place every year on Whit Tuesday. Thousands of pilgrims and spectators gather to participate in this old tradition to honour St. Willibrord who founded Echternach’s Benedictine abbey in the year 698. According to Visit Luxembourg, “the purpose of the procession can be seen as an expression of joy or a prayer: a form of communication between man and God which involves body and spirit. It may also be seen as a sign of human joy, inspired by the love of God.”

Did you miss the 2023 edition of the hopping procession? Put it in your calendar for 21 May 2024 or visit the information and documentation centre of the hopping procession in the museum of Echternach’s baroque abbey where you can find out more about this unique tradition all year round.

Photos: © Pancake! Photographie/LFT