핏포스타트, 완전히 디지털로 진행

COVID-19으로 인해 올해 상반기에 부득이하게 열리지 못했던 룩셈부르크 스타트업 발굴.육성 프로그램 핏포스타트가 디지털 선발 과정과 대면 코칭을 결합한 피지털 (phygital)로 하반기에 돌아왔다. 이번 핏포스타트는 10번째 열리는 프로그램이며, 현재 코로나 상황에 맞게 프로그램을 전면 개편하여 선보이게 된다: 100% 디지털 선발 프로세스, 100% 물리적 코칭 세션으로 진행.

오는 9월 7일 (월)까지 서류 접수를 받고 있으니 유럽 진출을 원하는 헬스테크 스타트업들은 다음 링크를 통해 지원할 수 있다. https://www.startupluxembourg.com/fit-4-start

Fit 4 Start is back and the next edition will definitely be a landmark event… Not only because Luxembourg’s leading startup acceleration programme will celebrate its 10th edition, but also because the format has been totally reviewed to adapt to the current situation.

100% digital selection process

More than ever, for this new edition, digital technologies will be at the heart of the event. As before, the submission process for startups will remain online. Given the circumstances however, the selection process will also be fully online – a 100% (new) digital experience for the startups, the jury and the audience.

100% physical coaching sessions

The current climate has also led Luxinnovation to adapt the duration of the coaching sessions for the selected startups. The agency remains convinced that face-to-face is paramount when it comes to coaching. To ensure the quality of the interactions as well as of the programme, coaching sessions will remain 100% face-to-face but will take place in Luxinnovation’s premises starting in January 2021, rather than in November 2020.

ICT, space… and healthtech

An unprecedented number of applications from both the ICT and the space sectors were received in response to the call for applications launched in spring 2020, which was subsequently cancelled due to the pandemic. All projects that were pre-selected at that time will automatically be retained for the pitching of the autumn edition. No further call for applications will be opened for ICT and space startups.

However, a call for applications for healthtech startups is now open. Interested startups must submit their applications by 12:00 on 7 September 2020.
