NHN클라우드 “룩셈부르크 ‘지코어’와 손잡고 유럽시장 진출”
NHN의 클라우드 계열사인 NHN클라우드는 룩셈부르크 클라우드 회사 ‘지코어’와 글로벌 클라우드 시장 사업 확장을 위한 업무협약(MOU)을 체결했다고 19일 밝혔다. NHN클라우드는 이번 협약으로 유럽 시장 진출의 발판을 마련하게 됐다고 설명했다. 아울러 양사는 클라우드 기술·노하우를 공유하면서 신규 상품을 개발하고, 목표 국가 및 시장에 적합한 상품을 고도화해나갈 예정이다. 지코어는 룩셈부르크에 본사를 둔 공공 클라우드·엣지 컴퓨팅 기업으로 140개 국가에서 1만1천여 개 이상의 기업을 고객사로 두고 있다.
출처: https://www.yna.co.kr/view/AKR20230419081400017
Gcore, a European provider of cloud and edge solutions, and NHN Cloud, a subsidiary of South Korean technology giant NHN Group, have announced a strategic partnership.
Under the memorandum of understanding, Gcore’s cloud services will be made available to enterprises in Asia Pacific through NHN Cloud, while Gcore will act as NHN Cloud’s strategic partner in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. The two companies will also collaborate on commercial initiatives and jointly develop new solutions.
NHN Group is best known for its online gaming portal Hangame, which has over 37 million members in South Korea, making it the country’s largest gaming portal. Meanwhile, Gcore has origins in the gaming industry, building a high-performing, high-speed content delivery network to deliver heavy video and games content under peak loads. Today, Gcore’s CDN is relied upon by enterprise-level businesses across various industries.
The partnership will allow NHN Cloud to expand its customer base across Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, while Gcore will gain a partner with a market-leading position in Asia Pacific. Both companies have a shared desire to drive innovation in the areas of edge and cloud computing, and the partnership will allow them to create compelling new propositions for their customers.
NHN Cloud is a subsidiary of NHN Group, which runs a number of other high-profile internet businesses, including NHN Payco, a payment gateway and digital wallet service, and FashionGo, an online marketplace for fashion wholesalers and retailers. This stable of companies presents a powerful advantage to NHN Cloud in that it can test and improve services with sister companies before rolling them out to other business customers.
Gcore has been building Europe’s most powerful and extensive edge and cloud services for nearly ten years. Today, Gcore’s infrastructure includes 140 points of presence on six continents and benefits from more than 11,000 peering partners, making it the ideal network for businesses with low-latency, high-performance use cases. The partnership with NHN Cloud will allow Gcore to drive growth in the Asia Pacific region and beyond.
Source: https://www.siliconluxembourg.lu/gcore-and-nhn-cloud-partner-to-drive-cloud-and-edge-innovation-globally/