generation8tor, 새로운 룩셈부르크 액셀러레이터 발표
미국의 탑15 액셀러레이터 및 벤처 펀드사인 gener8tor는 스타트업들의 유럽 진출을 위해 룩셈부르크를 선택한다고 발표했다. 룩셈부르크 액셀러레이터는 gener8tor의 최신 12주 프로그램으로 다양한 산업 분야에서 선도적인 초기 단계의 스타트업들이 비즈니스를 구축하고 확장하는 데 필요한 지원, 코칭, 자본 및 연결을 제공할 것이다.
Promoting growth and success
gener8tor’s accelerator aims to be a key source of support for start-ups as they transition from early-stage start-ups to rapidly growing and successful companies. It will provide hands-on, dedicated support for each start-up to help them grow, as well as provide direct connections to experienced mentors, technologists, corporate partners and investors. Each start-up will also receive an investment as part of the programme.
We are proud to see one of the top accelerators in the United States join Luxembourg’s thriving innovation and entrepreneurship community.
The Luxembourg-based programme will include a combination of in-person and virtual components. gener8tor will prioritise start-ups focused on driving systemic change at the corporate, government, and community level, as well as founders that embrace sustainability as a way to transform antiquated industries. “This programme is an important milestone in our deepening relationship with Luxembourg and the start-up ecosystem within the country,” says Joe Kirgues, Co-Founder at gener8tor.
gener8tor will select five start-ups to go through the inaugural three-month accelerator, which will begin in spring 2022. Founders from across Luxembourg and the region that are looking for support in building out and scaling their start-ups are invited to apply to the programme here.
Collaborative success
The launch of gener8tor Luxembourg builds on the success of collaborative programming for start-ups that was developed with the Ministry of the Economy to support Luxembourg start-ups seeking to expand into the United States market. The implementation of the new start-up accelerator programme is in line with the Ministry’s aim to further empower the Luxembourg start up ecosystem and to position the country as the ideal location for start-ups to settle and grow from the heart of Europe.
A key component to gener8tor’s launch into Luxembourg has come through the collaborative connection between Wisconsin and Luxembourg facilitated by Honorary Consul of Wisconsin Mike Ansay. “We are proud to see one of the top accelerators in the United States join Luxembourg’s thriving innovation and entrepreneurship community,” says Mr Ansay.
A great link
“We are very happy to welcome the hugely successful accelerator gener8tor to Luxembourg,” comments Jenny Hällen Hedberg, Head of International Business Development at Luxinnovation. “gener8tor will be an excellent addition to the Luxembourg ecosystem and a great link between the US and Europe to forward the creation of new innovative tech companies. In addition to having really high profile partnerships, with Motown for example, gener8tor has an outspoken policy for diversity, equity and inclusion which it really sticks to. And it is of course great to see that the old and always very active relationship between Wisconsin and Luxembourg now has a new sprout in the form of gener8tor Luxembourg!”