룩셈부르크, 1인당 FDI 유럽에서 1위
외국인 직접투자(FDI)가 코로나19 팬데믹의 영향에서 회복세를 보이고 있다고 EY가 보도했다. 2021년도 25개의 외국인 직접투자 프로젝트가 발표되면서 룩셈부르크는 인구 대비 투자 프로젝트 수에서 유럽 1위를 차지했다.
EY has recently released its first ever Luxembourg Attractiveness Survey. Already published at the European level for more than 20 years, the survey studies the development of FDI in Europe and the perceived attractiveness of different countries.
Strong FDI per capita performance
Foreign direct investment in Luxembourg increased by 39% between 2020 and 2021, when no less than 25 FDI projects were announced. This number is actually higher than before the pandemic.
In absolute terms, this places Luxembourg in 26th place among the 43 European countries included in the study. However, the country ranks 1st for the number of investment projects per capita, surpassing other strong investment locations with similar characteristics such as Ireland, Lichtenstein, Finland and Malta. Cyprus, whose population size is similar to that of Luxembourg, has just above half the number of projects per capita, and Europe’s two top FDI destinations, France and the UK, have less than half.
In the context of the Attractiveness Study, EY defines FDI as “projects that have resulted in the creation of new facilities and jobs”. The study excludes portfolio investments and mergers and acquisitions.
Photo credit: Tristan Schmurr