룩셈부르크시, 전세계에서 9번째로 살기 좋은 도시
글로벌 인력자원 컨설팅업체 ECA 인터네셔널(ECA International)이 발표한 ‘글로벌 생활 거주적합성 순위 2019(Global liveability ranking 2019)’에서 룩셈부르크시가 전세계 9위에 올랐다. 유럽에 거주하는 외국인들을 대상으로 시행된 조사의 궁극적 목적은 전세계 480개 도시의 삶의 질을 평가하는 것이다.
The ranking takes into account criteria such as accommodation, infrastructure, personal security and health services.
Global liveable city 2019Luxembourg City is on the top ten list of the “Global liveability ranking 2019” published by ECA International, a provider of solutions and information for international human resource professionals. The study evaluates the cities across the world where it is most pleasant to live for European expatriates. It is partially based on feedback directly from expats. Its aim is to evaluate the quality of life in 480 cities all over the world.
The ranking is based on criteria such as climate, the availability of health services, accommodation, social and leisure networks, infrastructure, personal security, political tension and air quality. This data is notably used by human resource professionals to calculate cost-of-living allowances for expatriates.
Luxembourg shares the 9th place with Gothenburg and Dublin.