룩셈부르크, EU 국가 중 1인당 가장 많은 R&D 예산 할애
룩셈부르크에서는 연구개발 지원이 최우선이다. 최근 Eurostat 통계에 따르면 룩셈부르크는 2020년도에 1인당 648유로를 R&D에 지출했으며, 이는 EU 국가 중 인구 대비 R&D에 가장 많은 예산을 할애한 것으로 나타났다.
Supporting research and development is a priority in Luxembourg. Recent statistics by Eurostat show that the country is the highest spender for R&D in the European Union relative to its population. With €648 per person allocated in 2020, the country is on top of the podium which it shares with Denmark and Germany.
“Luxembourg’s commitment to investing in R&D is partly motivated by the fact that the research ecosystem is the main catalyst for the country to seize new opportunities for sustainable and responsible development,” comments Research Luxembourg. “Research Luxembourg generates the innovations that can improve the quality of life of tomorrow.”
Source: https://www.tradeandinvest.lu/news/luxembourg-allocates-largest-rd-budget-per-person-in-the-eu/