룩셈부르크, 테크 커리어를 추구하기에 가장 좋은 도시 중 하나

디지털 경력 개발 기업 코드클랜 (CodeClan)이 발표한 조사 결과에 따르면, 룩셈부르크는 EU 국가 중 두번째로 테크 커리어를 발전시키기에 좋은 도시로 선정됐다.

Which cities around the world are the best to pursue a career in tech? In order to answer this question, digital skills academy CodeClan gathered data on the top 100 cities listed in Mercer’s Quality of Living ranking. The academy studied factors such as the average salary, the average broadband speed, the average rent per month and the number of tech companies/jobs.

Luxembourg second EU city for tech careers

Bern, Zürich, Atlanta, Washington and Seattle top CodeClan’s list of the most attractive cities. Copenhagen (15th) is the most highly ranked EU city, followed by Luxembourg (16th), Amsterdam (18th), Paris (19th) and Stockholm (28th).
