세계 10대 금융 중심지 중 하나인 룩셈부르크

영국의 싱크탱크 기관 뉴 파이낸셜(New Financial)에서 세계 60여 개국의 금융시장 규모와 성장률을 분석한 ‘2021년 글로벌 금융센터 지수’에서 룩셈부르크는 8위에 올랐다. 뉴 파이낸셜은 규모와 볼륨 분석 외에도 더 넓은 비즈니스 환경을 고려한 순위도 발표했는데 이 순위에서 룩셈부르크는 미국, 영국, 스위스에 이어 4위에 올랐다. 마지막으로 뉴 파이낸셜이 분석한 국제화 수준에서 룩셈부르크는 전체 활동의 60%를 차지하는 국제 활동으로 세계에서 가장 국제적인 금융 센터로 평가되었다.


2021Global Financial Centres IndexBritish think tank New Financial bases its Global Financial Centres Index on 73 indicators, mainly those measuring the size and volume of financial activities. Its listing of the world’s top financial centre is dominated by the United States, followed by the United Kingdom and China. Luxembourg ranks 8th, just after France and Germany.

4th top financial centre based on the wider environment

In addition to the size and volume analysis, New Financial has also published a ranking taking into account the wider business environment. The indicators used include economic, financial, political, legal, regulatory and social aspects. In this ranking, Luxembourg comes 4th, after the US, the UK and Switzerland.

Most international financial centre in the world

2021 Global Financial Centres Index International activityIn a complementary study, New Financial analyses the level of internationalisation of the different financial centres. It ranks Luxembourg as the most international financial centre in the world, with international activity representing 60% of its total activity. The country is followed by Singapore, Hong Kong, the UK and Ireland.

2nd biggest hub for investment funds, global leader in corporate and green bonds

According to New Financial, Luxembourg is the 2nd biggest hub for investment funds in the world. It is also the 2nd biggest recipient of foreign direct investment in the financial sector and the 3rd largest exporter of financial services in the world.

The think tank also points out that Luxembourg is the global leader in corporate bond issuance and in issuance of green, social and sustainable bonds by foreign companies.

Source: https://www.tradeandinvest.lu/news/luxembourg-among-the-top-10-financial-centres-in-the-world/
