룩셈부르크와 폴란드, 우주 활동 위한 협력 체결
상업 기업들의 우주 자원의 평화적인 탐사 및 사용을 촉진하기 위해 룩셈부르크 정부가 2016년에 발족한 우주자원계획(Space resources initiative)은 룩셈부르크를 “새로운 우주” 경제의 국제적 핫스팟이자 매력적인 사업 파트너 국가로 만들었다. 룩셈부르크와 폴란드는 2018년 10월 우주 자원에 대한 상호 협력을 시작하기 위한 양해각서(Memorandum of Understandin)를 체결했다.
룩셈부르크는 이미 포르투갈, 일본, 중국, 체코, 아랍에미리트와 유사한 협정을 체결한 바가 있다.
Poland is the sixth country to sign a collaboration agreement with Luxembourg in the field of space activities and, in particular, the exploration and utilisation of space resources. This international interest confirms Luxembourg’s leading role in this highly innovative area.
The Space Resources initiative, launched by the Luxembourg government in 2016 in order to facilitate the peaceful exploration and use of space resources by commercial companies, has turned the country into an international hotspot for the “new space” economy and an attractive partner for other nations interested in this expanding sector. Poland, represented by its Minister of Entrepreneurship and Technology, Jadwiga Emilewicz, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Luxembourg in October to start bilateral cooperation on space activities with a particular focus on space resources. Luxembourg has already signed similar agreements with Portugal, Japan, China, the Czech Republic and the United Arab Emirates.
The five-year MoU covers the exchange of information and expertise in the areas of space technologies, policy, law and regulation. The countries will also promote a constructive dialogue with all United Nations member states in order to clarify and improve the transparency of current international legislation applicable to the exploration and use of space resources.
Luxembourg’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Economy, Étienne Schneider, highlighted the numerous business relationships between the two countries and the fact that satellite operator SES has its regional headquarters for Central and Eastern Europe in Warsaw. “Building on these economic ties,” he said, “this agreement will further endorse cooperation at bilateral and multilateral levels in order to progress together with other nations on a future governance scheme and a global regulatory framework for space resources”.
Find out more about Luxembourg’s space sector.