룩셈부르크 시, 2022년 액세스 시티 어워드(Access City Award) 수상

유럽연합 위원회와 유럽 장애인 포럼이 함께 주관하는 2022년 액세스 시티 어워드(Access City Award)에서 룩셈부르크에 액세스 시티 상을 수여하였다. 이 상의 수상은 장애인들이 더 쉽게 접근할 수 있도록 “모두를 위한 디자인” 접근 방식을 적용한 룩셈부르크 시의 성과를 보여준다.

The 2022 Access City Award was given to Luxembourg City by a jury of accessibility experts. The jury recognised the city for its wide range of innovative solutions and improvements to enhance accessibility for persons with disabilities. Improving accessibility is a priority for the city, which applies a “Design for All” approach to make access easier for everyone.

Accessible public transport

Luxembourg City wins 2022 Access City AwardMaking public transport and other public infrastructure accessible is crucial. “Imagine that you want to take a bus, but you cannot board it. Or that your child is unable to play with other children because the playground is not accessible,” said European Commissioner for Equality Helena Dalli at the awards ceremony. “Accessibility makes a real difference in daily life. This is why with the Access City Award we recognise the efforts to make cities more accessible and inclusive.”

I congratulate this year’s winner, Luxembourg City, for its commitment to equal opportunities for persons with disabilities.

Luxembourg City uses low-floor buses equipped with ramps. Both visual and audio announcements are used for bus and tram stops. The city also regularly consults its citizens with disabilities to make sure that its actions has the desired effect. In order to make information about political decisions accessible for everyone, key city council meetings are available in sign language as well as spoken language and transcription. “I congratulate this year’s winner, Luxembourg City, for its commitment to equal opportunities for persons with disabilities,” Commissioner Dalli said.

Photo: © Luxinnovation / Sabino Parente