룩셈부르크, EU에서 4번째로 가장 높은 교육 수준 보유
최근 유로스타트 (Eurostat)에 의해 발표 된 수치에 룩셈부르크가 고등 교육을 이수한 인구 비율에서 선두를 차지했다. 룩셈부르크 30~34세 인구의 절반 이상이 고등 교육을 졸업했으며, 이는 유럽 연합 내에서 5위 안에 드는 순위이다.
Higher education: for prosperity and employment
“Continuing education after the basic level is important because people with higher qualifications are more likely to be employed and less likely to face poverty in a knowledge-based economy. Therefore, investing efficiently in education and training systems that deliver high-quality and up-to-date services lays the foundation for a country’s prosperity. Moreover, employment rates are generally higher for highly educated people,” the report states.
Photo: © Luxinnovation/Vincent Remy Source: https://www.tradeandinvest.lu/news/luxembourg-has-4th-highest-education-level-in-the-eu/