룩셈부르크, 세계에서 5번째로 글로벌한 경제

스위스 경제연구기관 KOF에서 조사한 2021년 글로벌화 지수(Globalisation Index)에 따르면 룩셈부르크의 경제 글로벌 지수는 세계 5위, 사회 글로벌 지수는 1위를 차지했다.

KOF Globalisation Index of the world's most global economiesPublished by ETH Zurich, the KOF Globalisation Index measures the economic, social and political dimensions of globalisation. Its latest edition covering 195 countries identifies Switzerland, the Netherlands and Belgium as the most globalised countries in the world. Luxembourg is in 20th place.

Most global economies

The sub-segment of the index focusing on economic globalisation comprises trade flows and financial flows. Luxembourg ranks 5th among the world’s most global economies, after Singapore, the Netherlands, Belgium and Ireland.

Social globalisation

The analysis of social globalisation takes into account personal contacts, information flows and cultural globalisation. Luxembourg comes out 1st in the world in this category, followed by Monaco, Liechtenstein, Switzerland and Canada.
