신간 Crossroads Magazine (크로스로드 매거진) : 산업의 디지털 전환
수많은 국제 산업 그룹이 디지털 전환을 위해 룩셈부르크 기업을 사용하는 이유는 무엇일까? 룩셈부르크의 큰 국제 인재풀이 기업가들과 기업들에게 제공하는 부가 가치는 무엇일까? 크로스로드 매거진의 최신호에서 그 답을 찾을 수 있다.
Published by Luxinnovation, the third edition of Crossroads Magazine offers readers an insight into two “hot topics” for international companies: the digital transformation of industry and Luxembourg’s international talent pool.
The digital transformation of industry
Artificial intelligence, the internet of things, virtual simulations, machine learning – a host of new, digital technologies is radically changing industry and making it more agile, responsive, efficient and sustainable. Crossroads Magazine features industrial players such as Cebi, Armacell and Ceratizit who are driving their digital transformation from Luxembourg, and presents the resources mobilised here in order to generalise their success.
International talent pool
We might live in a globalised world, but when it comes to doing business, speaking the clients’ language and understanding their culture is still paramount. As the most international country in the EU with a long track record of attracting talents from across the world, Luxembourg has much to offer. Crossroads Magazine speaks to serial entrepreneurs, scale-ups and global companies such as Amazon and Vodafone about how their multicultural, Luxembourg-based teams enrich their company culture and business success.