데이터 주도 혁신에 관한 새로운 Happen 매거진
룩셈부르크는 강력한 데이터 경제와 데이터 기반 혁신을 중심으로 한 디지털 혁신 정책과 자산을 마련하기로 결정했다. 이와 관련하여 자비에 베텔 총리와 에티엔느 슈나이더 경제부 장관 및 부총리가 설명한 구체적인 행동과 다음 단계에 대한 내용은 룩스이노베이션의 국제 비즈니스 잡지인 Happen 신간에서 확인할 수 있다.
“Luxembourg has a unique ability to become a living lab for real-life artificial intelligence applications”
says Prime Minister Xavier Bettel in the keynote interview that opens the magazine. “We want to be at the forefront of this development by optimising the national data market, facilitating the development of skills, boosting investments and collaborating across borders.”
“We offer a unique, secure environment for high-potential digital activities where innovative ideas can be transformed into successful business,” continues Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Economy Étienne Schneider. In his interview, he highlights key actions and initiatives that are being implemented to foster the data economy as well as Luxembourg’s advantages for international companies involved in data-driven innovation.
The main features of issue of Happen magazine also focus on smart mobility as well as on logistics and supply chain management, two sectors whose development is strongly driven by the expanding use of digital data. In addition, the publication provides an overview of Luxembourg’s expanding start-up ecosystem and what the country can offer to innovative start-ups with a digital dimension.
Hot off the press, the magazine is being disseminated to business executives and entrepreneurs all over the world in the coming weeks. Do you want to be sure of receiving your free copy? Please fill in the subscription form.
Source: https://www.tradeandinvest.lu/news/new-happen-magazine-on-data-driven-innovation/