룩셈부르크 스타트업 육성 프로그램 핏포스타트(Fit4Start), 비즈니스를 위한 새로운 기회
룩스이노베이션(Luxinnovation)은 오는 2018년 12월 21일부터 2019년 1월 28일까지 스타트업 육성 프로그램인 핏포스타트(Fit4Start)의 2019년 상반기 프로그램에 참여할 기업의 신청을 받는다. 핏포스타트는 유럽 진출을 원하는 ICT 스타트업 기업들에게 성공적인 유럽 비즈니스 기회를 제공하기 위한 스타트업 발굴∙육성 프로그램이다. 지원을 통해 최종 선정된 ICT 스타트업 10곳은 2019년 4월부터 시작하는 육성 프로그램에 참여하게 된다.
Luxinnovation will shortly launch a new call for applications for its successful accelerator programme Fit 4 Start. Discover how previous participants have benefited from the programme.
Ten innovative ICT start-ups with great ideas and a strong drive to succeed will have the opportunity to benefit from the 8th edition of Fit 4 Start that will begin in April 2019. They will have access to four months of intensive coaching provided by international experts in entrepreneurship, venture capital and company growth. They will also receive a grant of €50,000, with the possibility to obtain another €100,000 in case they are able to raise a sufficient amount of private equity.
Fit 4 Start participants become part of a vibrant and international community of start-ups that often use Luxembourg as a launchpad for reaching European and global markets. They also have full access to the start-up ecosystem that includes incubators, investors, authorities and decision-makers, all striving to see Luxembourg-based start-ups grow and succeed.
Discover more about the Luxembourg start-up ecosystem: