미국 AI 컴퓨팅 기술 기업 엔비디아, 룩셈부르크 정부와 협력

미국 캘리포니아주에 본사를 둔 AI 컴퓨팅 기술 기업 엔비디아(NVIDIA)는 룩셈부르크 정부와 협력하기 위한 양해각서(Memorandum of understanding, MOU)를 체결했다. 구체적인 협력 분야는 인공 지능(AI)과 고성능 컴퓨팅을 사용한 과학자들과 엔지니어의 지원이다.

룩셈부르크 정부는 현재 국가적 차원에서 진행되고 있는 “디지털 룩셈부르크(Digital Luxembourg)” 이니셔티브를 바탕으로, 다양한 연구 분야에 종사하고 있는 학생, 과학자, 산업계 및 창업자들을 훈련시키는 데 초점을 맞출 것이다. 관련 산업 부문은 에너지와 환경, 자율 주행과 교통, 로봇 공학, 금융 서비스, 의료 등이다.

인공지능(AI)과 고성능 컴퓨팅은 생명 과학과 의학 분야의 지속적인 변화의 핵심이다. 이번 협력은 룩셈부르크가 생물 의학 연구 및 의료 연구를 위한 매력적인 장소임을 보여준다.

NVIDIA and the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg have established a cooperation to support scientists and engineers in solving society’s most important challenges using artificial intelligence and high performance computing.

A memorandum of understanding was signed today on behalf of NVIDIA, the leader in AI computing, and the Luxembourg Government by Jaap Zuiderveld, NVIDIA Vice President of Sales and Marketing, EMEA and India, and Luxembourg’s Prime Minister, Xavier Bettel.

Spearheaded by the Government’s “Digital Luxembourg” initiative, the cooperation will focus on training students, scientists, and industry and startup employees working in diverse research fields. Areas of particular interest include energy and the environment, autonomous driving and transportation, robotics, financial services and healthcare.

“NVIDIA’s AI computing platform is the principal tool used by scientists, researchers and businesses worldwide to harness the power of artificial intelligence,” said Zuiderveld. “This cooperation will bring together NVIDIA and Digital Luxembourg in our shared mission to enable, support and inform the AI ecosystem.”

“AI is a horizontal technology and we want to make sure that Luxembourg’s AI researchers and businesses have access to cutting-edge technology. This is about training the AI trainers and developing crucial skills for our ecosystem’s future,” stated Xavier Bettel.

“AI and high performance computing are at the core of the ongoing transformation in life sciences and medicine. We are very excited about the cooperation with NVIDIA as this will make Luxembourg an even more attractive place for biomedical and healthcare research and entrepreneurship”, noted Prof. Rudi Balling, Director of the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biology, a research center of the University of Luxembourg.

“NVIDIA is the world leader for AI computing technology, that’s why we work with their platform in our experimental self-driving vehicle. This new cooperation will allow us to stay ahead of the curve scientifically and build a strong AI ecosystem in Luxembourg. Furthermore, the SnT researchers are thrilled to participate in the NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute University Ambassador Program, by having SnT researchers become NVIDIA certified trainers and teaching NVIDIA centered classes for the academic public”, commented Prof. Björn Ottersten, Director of the Interdisciplinary Center for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) at the University of Luxembourg.

Presse release by the Department of Media, Telecommunications and Digital Policy
