룩셈부르크 대학교, 세계 최고 250위권 대학교 중 하나
영국 타임즈 고등교육평가기관 (Times Higher Education)에서 발표한 2021 대학 랭킹 순위에서 룩셈부르크 대학교는 세계 1527개 대학 중 201-250 순위에 올랐다. 특히, 룩셈부르크 대학은 국제 전망 부문에서 가장 높은 점수를 받았다.
In spite of its young age – it was founded as late as 2003 – the University of Luxembourg has once again been ranked in the position 201-250 by the prestigious Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings 2021. The ranking, which was published on 2 September 2020, covers the 1,527 top universities in the world. An additional 131 institutions were included compared to last year’s edition.
The University of Luxembourg receives its highest scores in the category International Outlook, ranking #3 worldwide (compared to #1 in 2019). It also ranks among the top 25% of universities in the categories Teaching, Research and Citations.
The THE World University Rankings are one of the most important rankings worldwide. It evaluates the strengths of higher education institutions in the categories Teaching, Research, International Outlook, Industry Income and Citations based on 13 performance indicators. Luxembourg has been included in the THE rankings since 2016.